Intelligent Design And Construction Inc
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Products and Services

  • Interior Design Studio,
  • Construction Company,
  • Contractor,
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

“I am a very energetic and motivated entrepreneur, and I put all of this energy towards my business and its projects,” declares Mehrdad Anvari, founding owner of Intelligent Design and Construction, which specializes in architecture, interior design construction and renovation project management.

“We are a young, motivated and multidisciplinary team; we never miss an opportunity to impress our clients with our savoir-faire, whether we are creating plans of a new construction or major renos, or are on-site making it all happen,” says Mehrdad. Intelligent Design and Construction has the expertise to intervene at all stages of the construction or renovation of a building.

The outfit takes on residential and commercial assignments, putting a fine point on adapting to a client’s objectives and sensibilities above all. “We keep in constant contact with the client in order to keep them informed about the progression of our work, which establishes trust between all parties and reassures them that their investment is in good hands," says Mehrdad. "And with us, that’s always the case.”

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