Cooking proper meals often seems too time- and energy-consuming, especially after a long work day. These simple strategies will help you cut down on cooking time while keeping a balanced diet.
July 28, 2015
Cooking proper meals often seems too time- and energy-consuming, especially after a long work day. These simple strategies will help you cut down on cooking time while keeping a balanced diet.
Then start each meal during the week with a cup. Studies show watery foods such as soup tend to fill up the stomach, making you feel full quicker, despite being relatively low in calories. This also makes cooking the rest of the meal a little less demanding.
No one expects you to come up with a new meal every night.
Rather than eating out whenever you lack the inspiration – or groceries – to cook at home, eat out on a designated night. This makes eating out what it should be – a treat. You'll enjoy the restaurant more and eat more healthily throughout the week.
You'll get more enjoyment from cooking if your mind feels rested and unfettered. Once you get the hang of a new recipe, you can incorporate it into your weeknight repertoire.
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